
环境 & 植物生物学.S.

Megan Osika ‘16 works on how plants respond to gravity in the Wyatt Lab.
Megan Osika ‘16 works on how plants respond to gravity in the Wyatt Lab.
  • Opportunities for undergraduate research with renowned faculty
  • 准备 研究生院
  • 准备 technical careers in private industry or governmental agencies dealing with agriculture, 园艺, or floriculture; 生物技术 or pharmaceutical firms; 保护 agencies 和 museums of natural history; 环境咨询公司; food 和 brewing companies; lumber companies; nurseries; arboreta 和 more
  • Coursework 包括 cell 和 molecular biology, 生理学, 生态, plant identification 和 classification

教师联系: Dr. 莎拉·怀亚特


学位要求 & 四年制课程示例


B.S. degree in environmental 和 plant biology provides broad training in plant biology 包括 cell 和 molecular biology, 生理学, 生态, plant identification 和 classification. The program allows the flexibility to tailor a degree program to the individual interests of the student 和 prepares students for entry-level positions in a wide range of careers relating to environmental & plant biology or for further study at the graduate level.

职业生涯 & 研究生院

Preparation with a degree in 环境与植物生物学 can lead to technical careers or graduate-level training in 生态, 自然资源管理, 保护, 演变与发展, 系统发生的, 生物技术, plant 生理学 or molecular 和 cellular biology. 研究生s can pursue employment in a variety of areas, 包括, 但不限于, 学术界, private industry or governmental agencies dealing with agriculture/园艺/floriculture, 生物技术 or pharmaceutical firms, 保护 agencies 和 museums of natural history, 环境咨询公司, 食品公司, the brewing 和 fermentation industry, 木材/制浆企业, 植物苗圃, 温室, 植物园, 和arboreta.

Listings of internship opportunities can be found at the following web sites:


Freshman/First-Year 入学: No requirements beyond University admission requirements.

Change of Program Policy: No selective or limited admission requirements.

External Transfer 入学: No requirements beyond University admission requirements.


  • 主代码BS2120

University-wide Graduation Requirements

newbb电子平台 requires completion of a minimum of 120 semester hours for conferral of a bachelor’s degree. However, the 环境与植物生物学 major requires a minimum of 121 semester hours. 

College-Level Requirements for the College of Arts & 科学

View the College-Level Requirements for the College of Arts & 科学.

环境 & 植物生物学学时要求

Complete a total of 49 semester hours of PBIO coursework (excluding PBIO 2170, 2200, 2250, 2840), 包括 all of the requirements below.



  • PBIO 1140 - Foundations of 植物生物学 学分: 4
  • PBIO 1150 - Plant Structure 和 Development 学分: 4
  • PBIO 2090 -植物生态学 学分: 3
  • 植物遗传学 学分: 3
  • 结构植物学 学分: 4


Complete one of the following courses:

  • PBIO 3240 - 植物生理学 学分: 3
  • PBIO 3260 - Physiological Plant Ecology 学分: 4



  • PBIO 2180 - Introduction to Biological 研究 和 Writing 学分: 3
  • PBIO 3150 - Statistical Methods in 植物生物学 学分: 4
  • PBIO 4170 - Biological 研究 和 Science Ethics 学分: 1


Complete one of the following for a minimum of 2 hours

  • PBIO 4910 - Internship 学分: 1.0-15.0
  • PBIO 4940 - 本科研究 学分: 1.0-4.0
  • PBIO 4941 - 本科研究/Written Presentation 学分: 1.0-4.0




  • CHEM 1510 - Fundamentals of Chemistry I 学分: 4
  • CHEM 1520 - Fundamentals of Chemistry II 学分: 4


Complete one of the following courses:

  • CHEM 2410 - Analytical Chemistry I: Quantitative Analysis 和 Electrochemistry 学分: 3
  • 化学3050 -有机化学1 学分: 3
  • 化学4901 -生物化学1 学分: 3



  • MATH 2301 - Calculus I 学分: 4
  • PHYS 2001 - Introduction to Physics 学分: 4

Plant The BiologyMajors选修课

An additional 18 hours of electives are required; 12 hours must be from PBIO. 任选PBIO课程, 在2000年或更高的水平, that is not a required course (excluding PBIO 2170, PBIO 2200, PBIO 2250, PBIO 2840, PBIO 4910, PBIO 4940, PBIO 4941). 

Possible Extra-Departmental Electives

Of the 18 hours of Major Electives, 6 hours may be taken from the list below, if not previously taken to satisfy a requirement.

  • 生物地理学 学分: 3
  • BIOS 3220 -通用微生物学 学分: 3
  • BIOS 3225 - General Microbiology Laboratory 学分: 2
  • BIOS 3750 -动物生态学 学分: 3
  • BIOS 3760 -野外生态学 学分: 3
  • BIOS 4190 - Computer Simulation in Biology 学分: 3
  • BIOS 4260 -分子遗传学 学分: 3
  • BIOS 4270 - Mechanisms of Gene Regulation 学分: 3
  • BIOS 4290 -海洋生物学 学分: 3
  • BIOS 4310 -水生生物学 学分: 4
  • 野外昆虫学 学分: 3
  • BIOS 4650 -鱼类学 学分: 4
  • BIOS 4710 -鸟类学 学分: 4
  • BIOS 4720 -爬虫学 学分: 4
  • BIOS 4740 -哺乳动物 学分: 4
  • CHEM 2410 - Analytical Chemistry I: Quantitative Analysis 和 Electrochemistry 学分: 3
  • 化学3010 -有机化学 学分: 3
  • 化学3050 -有机化学1 学分: 3
  • CHEM 3060 - Organic Chemistry II 学分: 3
  • CHEM 3760 - Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry 学分: 3
  • CHEM 4310 - Analytical Chemistry II: Chromatography 和 Spectroscopy 学分: 3
  • CHEM 4600 - Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry 学分: 3
  • 化学4890 -基础生物化学 学分: 3
  • 化学4901 -生物化学1 学分: 3
  • 化学4902 -生物化学II 学分: 3
  • GEOG 2680 - Introduction to GIS 和 Mapping 科学 学分: 4
  • 地质3020 -气候学 学分: 4
  • GEOL 2110 - Introductory Oceanography 学分: 3
  • GEOL 2150 - 环境 Geology 学分: 3
  • GEOL 2310 -水与污染 学分: 3
  • GEOL 2550 -历史地质学 学分: 3