
Physics & 天文研究设施 & Labs

Graduate Student Kyaw Zin Latt works in the Hla Lab.
Graduate Student Kyaw Zin Latt works in the Hla Lab.

物理使用的设施 & 天文学教师 & Students


newbb电子平台天文台 is sited at The Ridges on the hilltop between Konneker Research Laboratory and the water tower. 天体物理研究所 faculty members sponsor programming at the observatory.


The John E. 爱德华兹加速器实验室 provides ion beams and the associated detection equipment for the study of nuclear reactions of interest for nuclear structure, 核天体物理学, 材料科学, 惯性约束聚变, 核能源, 国土安全, 以及其他newbb电子. This research is performed by newbb电子平台 students, faculty, 和工作人员, as well users from other universities and laboratories. 完整的学生名册, faculty, 和工作人员 working in the area of nuclear physics, 以及对他们研究的描述, 可以在 核物理与粒子物理研究所 website.

氦回收和液化设施 (Clippinger Research Annex)

The 氦回收和液化设施 recycles boiled-off helium gas from the research laboratories. The gas is returned to the facility by means of leak-tight return pipelines. The gas is temporarily stored in high pressure cylinders and then goes through a series of compression and liquefaction stages to ultimately return to a liquid state at 4.2 K. 然后将液化的氦储存在一个容器中,000-liter storage tank until being re-distributed back to the research labs via 100 L dewars. This facility achieves 95 percent gas recovery efficiency, 保护地球珍贵的氦资源, and providing a readily available source of liquid helium for the department's low-temperature research.


newbb电子平台 is a member of the MDM Consortium, which owns and operates the 1.3米2.4米望远镜 基特峰的MDM天文台 in Southern Arizona, 50 miles west of Tucson. Other members of the consortium are the University of Michigan, 达特茅斯学院, 俄亥俄州立大学, 和哥伦比亚大学.


Laser tweezers (aka optical tweezers or optical trapping) uses a tightly focused infrared laser beam to trap and move microscopic particles suspended in a fluid. This is a useful way to pick up and hold onto tiny objects that would be difficult to manipulate any other way. 物理学中的激光镊子实验室 & 天文学 Department at newbb电子平台 has an optical tweezers setup with the ability to create multiple independently movable traps using a computer-controlled spatial light modulator. Contact Dr. 大卫·t恤 to find out more about using the Laser Tweezers or to schedule a demonstration.

Laboratory for Single Atom and Molecule Manipulation

The Laboratory for Single Atom and Molecule Manipulation is located next to Clippinger 实验室 and the Edward Accelerator Laboratory, where the Surface Science Laboratory serves as its own natural vibration isolation environment. Both LT-STM systems are custom-built and are capable of all the atom/molecule 操纵s and tunneling spectroscopy measurements including vibrational spectroscopy and mapping.


The 低温SP-STM实验室 applies both normal and spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy at liquid helium temperatures and with the addition of applied magnetic fields up to 4.5 Tesla to investigate complex materials systems grown by either molecular beam or pulsed laser epitaxy. Freshly prepared samples are transferred through ultra-high vacuum through a central distribution chamber and then into the STM chamber. Researchers are interested in the atomic-scale 结构, 电子, and spin magnetic properties of surfaces and 操纵 of those properties. Materials of interest include nitride semiconductors, 磁氮化物, 磁性双层系统, 磁性氮化半导体. 有关更多信息,请参见 Dr. 亚瑟·史密斯的研究网站.


The 纳米尺度和量子现象研究所 includes a group of 25 faculty members from seven different departments and two colleges focusing on carrying out interdisciplinary research in nanoscience. The three main missions of the institute are: to promote research excellence in nanoscale science and engineering, to foster cross-disciplinary research and education in nanoscience, 实现国际合作, 会议, 和研讨会.

The three main areas of research are: 1) nano电子s, 纳米光子学, nanospintronics, and nanomagnetism; 2) nanoscale properties, 操纵, and assembly; and 3) quantum structures, 纳米晶体, 和纳米传感器. The institute also fosters the development of advanced research instrumentation and key facilities to support the research. 除了, NQPI hosts international visitors and students, 支持特别的座谈会和研讨会, 出版两年一次的通讯, and reaches out to Southeastern Ohio schools and the general public.

纳米光子学 & 光谱组

在纳米光子学 & 光谱组 investigates the optical and 电子 properties of novel semiconductor nanostructures and nanostructure based devices. The lab utilizes optical techniques to study the properties such as spin coherence and control, 量子力学隧穿, 纠缠, photon-nanostructure交互, 收费行为, 与环境的相互作用, 以及设备特性. Dr. Eric Stinaff 是首席研究员.


物理机械车间 is equipped with high-precision machine tools for virtually any machining, 制造, 或者组装项目. Professional high-quality toolmakers specialize in manufacturing experimental research apparatuses.


The 室温MBE/STM实验室 studies nitride and magnetic material systems grown by molecular beam epitaxy and transferred directly into the STM chamber under UHV conditions. Samples are investigated using STM at room temperature. 研究人员对地形学很感兴趣, 结构, 电子, and magnetic properties of the surfaces down to the atomic scale. Both normal and spin-polarized STM (using magnetic coated tips) are employed to obtain this information. 有关更多信息,请参见 Dr. 亚瑟·史密斯的研究网站.