


The Department of 专业医学 (DSM), established in 1990, consists of D.O. 和M.D. 医生和博士.D. 不同专业领域的研究人员,比如心脏病学, 糖尿病学, 急诊医学, 内分泌学, 内科医学, 生活方式药, 肾脏学, 眼科学, 精神病学, 放射学和外科.  2022年秋季, faculty from the Department of 儿科 and the Department of 妇产科 joined, 增加各自领域的专业知识.  作为教育者, DSM faculty members provide classroom instruction and clinical contact experiences for Year I and II students, 为三、四年级学生提供临床培训, 还有实习医生和住院医生的轮岗.  除了, DSM faculty serve the community by providing medical services and conducting medical research.




Discover some of the forward-thinking faculty and staff who will help prepare you for your future in specialty medicine.





From the annual report to forms to employment opportunities, you’ll find it all here.



  • 2024届毕业生简介:查理·斯派塞

    Charlie Spieser became interested in medicine after shadowing a D.O. 八年级的时候. Learn more about his medical school experience in this profile as we celebrate the Class of 2024 by talking with some of our graduates about their time at the college and where they are headed after graduation. 

  • 2024届毕业生简介:Jackson mittlestead

    Columbus native and Class of 2024 graduate Jackson Mittlesteadt shares a love for medicine and literature. Learn more about his journey to medical school in this profile as we celebrate the Class of 2024 by talking with some of our graduates about their time at the college and where they are headed after graduation. 

  • 2024届毕业生简介:吉赛尔·皮查多

    We're celebrating the Class of 2024 by talking with some of our graduates about their time at the college and where they are headed after graduation. 移民到美国的吉赛尔·皮查多.S. 作为一个孩子,在这篇文章中很引人注目. 

  • 2024届毕业生简介:丽贝卡·施梅尔

    We're celebrating the Class of 2024 by talking with some of our graduates about their time at the 传统骨科医学院 and where they are headed after graduation. 了解更多关于毕业生Rebecca Schmehl的信息. 

  • 2024届毕业生简介:布鲁克·瑞格特

    Meet 传统骨科医学院 graduate Brooke Rigot. We're celebrating the Class of 2024 by talking with some of our graduates about their time at the college and where they are headed after graduation. 

  • 2024届毕业生简介:托丽·卡特赖特

    We're celebrating the Class of 2024 by talking with some of our graduates about their time at the 传统骨科医学院 and where they are headed after graduation. 了解更多关于毕业生Tori Cartwright的信息. 

  • 2024届毕业生简介:汉娜·莱昂斯

    We're celebrating the Class of 2024 by talking with some of our graduates about their time at the 传统骨科医学院 and where they are headed after graduation. 了解更多关于毕业生汉娜·莱昂斯的信息. 

  • 2024届毕业生简介:约瑟夫·米勒

    We're celebrating the Class of 2024 by talking with some of our graduates about their time at the 传统骨科医学院 and where they are headed after graduation. 了解更多关于毕业生约瑟夫·米勒. 

  • 俄亥俄整骨疗法研讨会将医生聚集在一起

    The Ohio Osteopathic Symposium had another successful year as osteopathic physicians from across the state gathered in Columbus April 20 – 23 to learn more about critical issues in medicine, participate in continuing medical education activities and showcase the latest research developments.

  • Outstanding Class of 2023 students recognized at awards ceremony

    A crowded house at Temple-Blackburn 校友 Memorial Auditorium cheered on the achievements of the Class of 2023 during the Commencement Awards Ceremony. 学生们在领导能力、研究能力等方面得到了认可.

  • 文物馆获设计奖

    The newbb电子平台传统骨科医学院’s newest medical education facility, 遗产厅, was recently recognized with an Outstanding Project Award in the Spring 2023 issue of Learning by Design magazine. 

  • 教授:王少华,博士.D.

    Dr. Shaohua王, 医学微生物学助理教授, is a relative newcomer to the 传统骨科医学院, 七个月前加入这所大学. 我们花了些时间和她坐下来讨论她的研究, her time at the Heritage College and what initially drew her to microbial studies.

  • 当你在医学院产科实验室时,你会期待什么

    怀孕24周时, I participated in the Osteopathic Manipulation Therapy Lab with 传统骨科医学院 students. The second-year medical students eagerly waited in the large lab room filled with dozens of medical tables, while the other participants and I waited in the third-floor hallway of the new and impressive 遗产厅.

  • 教师焦点:卡洛琳·穆勒,博士.D.

    Now in her second year at the 传统骨科医学院, Caroline Mueller, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of medical anatomy based on the Dublin campus. We sat down with her to learn more about her role at the college, research and what brought her here.


  • 全国农村卫生日的重点是推动变革

    11月11日为全国农村卫生日. 17, 得Roush, OMS四世, took first-year student Suzanne Chaar on a drive to one of her favorite spots in the Athens area.

  • 校友焦点:凯特·斯宾塞,为阿巴拉契亚人民服务

    传统骨科医学院 graduate Kate Spencer, D.O. ('22), 我在格洛斯特农村长大, Ohio and is now doing her residency at O'Bleness Hospital in Athens. 全国农村卫生日, we talked with her to learn more about why practicing medicine in a rural area is exactly where she wants to be.

  • 学生聚光灯:梅根·特劳特,医生和盟友

    11月10日是全国农村卫生日. 17, 我们采访了二年级学生梅根·特劳特, who has lived in a rural community and plans to work with underserved populations when she becomes a physician. She and two other students participated in a social media takeover to mark National Rural Health Day.

  • Student Spotlight: 得Roush, caring for neighbors and friends

    Third-year medical student 得Roush grew up in Meigs County and plans to practice medicine in a rural community when she graduates. 全国农村卫生日, we spoke with her to learn more about her experience with the Rural and Urban Scholars Pathways program and why she returned to her roots.

  • A Mission to Serve: Nicolas Suglio’s Journey to the Heritage College

    遗产学院采访了尼古拉斯·苏格里奥, OMS-I, 谈谈他去医学院的路, 包括他在空军国民警卫队服役的时间.

  • 研究重点:艾莉森·休斯,博士.D.

    艾莉森·休斯博士.D., whose research focuses on health policy related to the intersection of diabetes and disabilities, 是最近集群招聘的一部分吗. In this research spotlight, learn why she finds research rewarding.